Summer pet care tips

When the weather gets warmer, you know that summer is just around the corner. And that means holidays, Christmas, and temperatures above 30 degrees. When it comes to our pets, we need to take extra care during the summer months to ensure they stay healthy and happy. 

Here are our top summer pet care tips!

Don’t go anywhere without water

Going anywhere in summer is hard enough when it’s hot, but think about how hard it would be as a pet when you can’t easily get your own water. Take extra precautions for your pet by keeping a bowl and water readily available in your car or on your person at all times.

Be weary of places with limited shade or cover

Roads and footpaths provide limited cover and get incredibly hot leading. You should always check the temperature before you take your dog for a walk and it’s best to walk them early in the morning or late at night when it isn’t as hot. Walking your dog in the heat can lead to problems like heatstroke (especially common with breeds with short noses like bulldogs and pugs) and burnt paws. If you want to check if it’s safe for your dog to walk on the footpath, put the back of your hand on the pavement - if you can’t keep it there without pain, then your dog can’t either!

NEVER leave your pets in the car

dog and cat in garden

The temperature soars very high in the average Aussie summer. Now add a hot car, lack of water and adequate oxygen to the equation. It can quite quickly end in disaster. Even leaving a window open for them may not be enough to keep them call so it’s best to leave them at home, or leave someone in the car with them with the air conditioning on.

Be aware if your pet needs sunscreen or not

Typically light haired, pink skinned animals actually require sunscreen. Your vet can provide you with all the necessary information required about what sunscreen you can use to protect your pet. Keep an eye on any sores, lumps or bumps that appear on your pet in summer and call your vet if you see any changes. 

Don’t shave your dog’s hair/fur

Believe it or not but you shouldn't shave your pets when the weather gets hot as it actually acts as an insulator and will keep them cool. A little maintenance cut is fine but don’t think you have to shave it all off so they can cool off as they manage just fine.

Dog and cat in Christmas hats in front of Christmas trees

Keep an eye on your pets at Christmas time. 

Christmas is a time of celebrations but don’t forget about your pets! There are lots of foods that your pets can accidentally indulge in that aren’t safe for them or they might get a fright with the New Year’s Eve fireworks. Check out the essential pet care tips for Christmas blog for more advice.

Have an emergency vet’s number on hand

While we’re open on non-public holidays, our staff are getting a well deserved break and taking time off on public holidays. While we’re closed, the Centre for Animal Referral and Emergency is still open. Call them on 9417 6417 if you have an emergency on a public holiday or after hours. When we’re open again, you can bring your pet and we can continue to treat them. 


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